Section: New Results


Participants : Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Damiano Lombardi, Marina Vidrascu.

  • in [32] a reduced-order model algorithm, called ALP, is proposed to solve nonlinear evolution partial differential equations. It is based on approximations of generalized Lax pairs. Contrary to other reduced-order methods, like Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, the basis on which the solution is searched for evolves in time according to a dynamics specific to the problem. It is therefore well-suited to solving problems with progressive front or wave propagation. Another difference with other reduced-order methods is that it is not based on an off-line / on-line strategy. Numerical examples are shown for the linear advection, KdV and FKPP equations, in one and two dimensions.

  • in [41] we propose a direct method for computing modal coupling coefficients - due to geometrically nonlinear effects - for thin shells vibrating at large amplitude and discretized by a finite element (FE) procedure. These coupling coefficients arise when considering a discrete expansion of the unknown displacement onto the eigenmodes of the linear operator. The evolution problem is thus projected onto the eigenmodes basis and expressed as an assembly of oscillators with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities. The nonlinear coupling coefficients are directly derived from the finite element formulation, with specificities pertaining to the shell elements considered, namely, here elements of the ”Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components” family (MITC). Therefore, the computation of coupling coefficients, combined with an adequate selection of the significant eigenmodes, allows the derivation of effective reduced-order models for computing - with a continuation procedure - the stable and unstable vibratory states of any vibrating shell, up to large amplitudes. The procedure is illustrated on a hyperbolic paraboloid panel. Bifurcation diagrams in free and forced vibrations are obtained. Comparisons with direct time simulations of the full FE model are given. Finally, the computed coefficients are used for a maximal reduction based on asymptotic nonlinear normal modes (NNMs), and we find that the most important part of the dynamics can be predicted with a single oscillator equation.

  • in [53] we deal with the following data assimilation problem: construct an analytical approximation of a numerical constitutive law in three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity. More precisely we are concerned with a micro-macro model for rubber as the one proposed in [36] . Macroscopic quantities of interest such as the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor can be approximated for any value of the strain gradient by numerically solving a nonlinear PDE. This procedure is however computationally demanding. Hence, although conceptually satisfactory, this physically-based model is of no direct practical use. We aim to circumvent this difficulty by proposing a numerical strategy to reconstruct from in silico experiments an accurate analytical proxy for the micro-macro constitutive law.